Hwhite s the seven trps
Hole volt, hole nem volt, lived egy king meg egy queen.
Egy day, nekik lett egy daughter.
Her haja volt mint ben. s her skin like h.
gy lett her name: Hwhite.
Mindenki volt happy, de a queen meghalt in TBC.
Hwhite's apja lett nagyon sad and Hwhite too.
But nem sokkal after the king gondoled that: "Kell felesg to me!"
So after pr ht, the king megrkezedett with egy n.
She lett a new queen.
But jtt influenza so the king elpatkoled too.
Maradt ht Hwhite s the mostoha.
The mostoha was very gonosz and she had a tkr.
She often krdezte a tkrt: "My tkr, my tkr tell me: I am the legszebb or nem?"
Erre a tkr: "You are so-so, but Hwhite is szebb, mint you!"
Erre a Mostoha very angry lett.
Felbreled a vadsz to kill Hwhite.
But the vadsz's szve was lgy as mz, so he nem tudta kill Hwhite.
Hwhite gy stayed in the erd, where sok llat van.
Hwhite talled egy house, ami was very kicsi.
Be is mened s rgtn el is sleepedt.
End of the day, the trps coming haza, s they ltjk that valami nem o.k..
They with sz like Colombo's rjttek, hogy one itt valaki.
Erre mr Hwhite s felbrededt s fast elmondta me az
A seven nyomork befogadni Hwhite, hogy majd she cook and takart rjuk.
Meanwhile the gonosz mostoha rjtt, that Hwhite mg lives.
Fztt gyorsan almakompt, with mreg, hogy kill Hwhite with sajt
Msnap the trps went to bnya for arany, and Hwhite was left
Aztn came the gonosz mostoha, mint egy granny, with the
almakompt and said to Hwhite: "You voltl with me so kedves s adtl
water to me, hogy now n give you kis almakompt."
So, ht Hwhite meg is ate it, and meg is dgled tle.
When the trps arrived at hzukba, they lted that Hwhite is halott.
Their szvk were zokoging, and they ptetted big-big kopors with
vegfedl, to beletenni Hwhite.
Then came the kirlyfi on fehr horse and cskoled Hwhite on ajak, mert he was kicsit necrophil, but Hwhite felleded a meglepitl.
The trps heart hypertrophysaled from the rm. and the kirlyfi
fellteted Hwhite on his fehr horse and they elmened a lemen nap fel.
The trps were very boldog, mert know that the mostoha lebucskzed hazafel menet egy big stonerl.
And mindenki volt happy, and lived happy, mg el nem jtt a pestis.
End of mese. |